The cost of blepharoplasty in the UK varies depending on whether one eye requires surgery or both. The upper eyelids tend to cost from £3000 for both eyes upwards. There are add ons to the procedure that may be desired which can cost more. These vary from fat repositioning or removal, to a browpexy to give a subtle lift to the brows or ptosis surgery to lift the eyelid position if the entire eyelid is too low. You should take into account the cost of any consultations, further surgery or follow up visits that may be needed. Some clinics offer a low surgery price but add a charge for all the other required visits. Other clinics may show a higher price but factor in a package of follow up care that is required so that you know the full cost from the start and are not left with any surprises at the end of your treatment. Surgery in London may cost a bit more than other parts of the UK. This is because the hospital charges in London are higher than other private hospitals out of London that may not do the surgery as frequently.
How long does blepharoplasty last?
Blepharoplasty surgery can last a long time. The results vary from person to person but most can expect the surgery to last for 5 to 7 years. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty results can last a lifetime in many patients.

At what age should you get a blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty and cosmetic eyelid surgery is usually performed when people are in their 30s or older. Younger patients tend to still have good skin and tighter eyelid muscles that don't require surgery. Some uncommon medical conditions may mean that laxity develops at a younger age. This would require an assessment with your surgeon to ensure that blepharoplasty is the right procedure for you.
Does insurance cover blepharoplasty?
Some medical insurance providers will cover the cost of a blepharoplasty if the excess skin is blocking the vision. This means that the surgery is done to improve the vision and is a medical reason. Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic surgery.
How can I get my insurance to pay for upper eyelid surgery?
Most insurers will ask for proof that there is a blockage to the vision in order to fund blepharoplasty surgery. This is done with a visual field test which is usually performed by an Oculoplastic surgeon. They may also require photographs of the eyelids to be submitted to them so that they can see how the excess skin is blocking the vision.