Private Eye Clinic in London

Mr Ahmad Aziz is an ophthalmic surgeon who trained at Moorfields Eye Hospital working at private eye clinics in London. He works at eye clinics in the medical heartland around Harley Street and Wimpole Street.
Private patients have access to the latest technology and are assessed by an experienced consultant ophthalmologist with access to state of the art equipment to diagnose and provide the correct eye care.
You are more likely to catch any potential eye problems when they are at an early stage for diagnosis and eye treatment if you make an appointment with ophthalmic consultants to screen the eyes and provide ophthalmic care.
How often should you see a private eye doctor?
You should have regular eye checks if you have medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. These conditions can be associated with changes to the retina at the back of the eye.
If you wear contact lenses you should a yearly check. Otherwise two yearly check ups are advisable if you are wanting to be reassured about your eyes and their health.
Most people see an eye specialist when they already have developed an eye problem such as conjunctivitis, dry eyes, blurred vision due to cataract, macular degeneration, double vision or retinal detachment.
More and more people are looking to have perfect vision. With the increasing popularity of refractive surgery, laser eye surgery and lens replacement surgery more people are suffering from dry eye and are looking for ways to treat this. Blurring of vision following these procedures with time can be due to cataract which can still occur following laser treatment.
Cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange surgery is performed by Mr Ahmad Aziz. He is an experienced eye surgeon that provides private services and cataract operations with the aim of giving the best experience to his patients.
Patient experience is very important to him and he works in Central London in independent clinics and world renown Private Hospitals in the heart of London that are assessed regularly by the care quality commission.
Is private treatment for my eyes expensive?
Private healthcare can be costly but may be covered by your private medical insurance where Mr Ahmad Aziz is fee assured leaving you with no out of pocket expenses to pay. If you require an ophthalmic procedure or other treatment options these may also be covered by your insurance and this can be checked before hand.
If you do not have private medical insurance the full costs of your treatment will be explained to you beforehand so that you are left with no surprises with the bill. Your consultant costs and private hospital costs will always be given.
Private eye hospital costs do vary depending on the centre as they each have their own prices and Mr Ahmad Aziz at his London clinic can provide you with treatment options at more than one location as the costs can vary significantly.
General Ophthalmology
General Ophthalmology is a term that encompasses a wide variety of problems affecting the eye and vision whether it be pain, red eye, blurred vision or visual disturbance. Ahmad Aziz is a Consultant Ophthalmologist who is on the specialist register of the General Medical Council in the UK who is experienced in managing all aspects of General Ophthalmology.
Through a holistic approach to medicine, Ahmad Aziz views each patient as a whole rather than a single symptom to be treated. I manage general eye conditions from conjunctivitis, dry eye, itching, blepharitis, lumps and styes around the eye and blurred vision.
Conveniently situated in Central London with excellent transport links we easily accessible to get your eye problem seen to and treated.
Red Eyes
Red eye is a very common eye condition that concerns people. It can be a sign of inflammation or infection. Inflammation of many parts of the eye and its surrounding structures, including the lacrimal glands and eyelids, or an unstable tear film with dry eye can lead to red eye.
Eye Pain
Many different problems can cause eye pain. This ranges from an infection or inflammation of the eye or its surrounding structures or even a scratch to the eye or a particle or foreign body on the eye surface. The treatment is dependant on the cause of the eye pain and different treatment options are available.
Visual disturbance
Visual disturbances include a range of symptoms including bright flashes of light seen in the eye or shadows or veils in the vision and floaters. These can be annoying and are generally seen urgently within 24 hours to make sure that a more serious eye problem is not present. Although the vast majority of cases do not have a serious condition it is important to be seen quickly just to make sure.
Loss of vision
Loss of vision can be momentary, last for a small period of time or be persistent, and can occur all of a sudden or gradually. The treatment depends on a thorough consultation and examination to determine the cause. Treatment options are available depending on the diagnosis and cause of the visual loss.